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What we do at cadets

One of the most important qualities each Air Cadet squadron works to develop in its members, is leadership. As you become more experienced as a cadet you’ll take on extra responsibilities and have further opportunities to develop your self-confidence and leadership skills. Formal leadership training is provided at the following three levels –

  • Wing and Regional Leadership Courses
    Typically two or three days long, aimed at training potential Junior NCOs (Corporals) and Senior NCOs (Sergeants and above). This will sort out the natural leaders and if that includes you, you could improve your rank. You’ll get to meet other up-and-coming potential NCOs from around London.

  • Cadet Leadership Courses
    There are three sets of Cadet Leadership Courses, which are aimed at 16 and 17 year olds. Each course takes place over Easter or the summer, lasts a week and ends with the award of the Cadet Leadership Badge if completed.

  • The Air Cadet Junior Leaders Course
    The Junior Leaders Course is physically demanding and requires real commitment and determination. The course, which runs from September to Easter, involves nine weekend training camps and an assessment week. A big step up from the Cadet Leadership Courses, the Junior Leaders Course is aimed at older cadets – you must be 17 or older in the year you begin the course. It culminates in the award of a Level Two Certificate in Team Leadership from the Institute of Leadership and Management. This is the toughest but most rewarding of our leadership courses – make it through and you’ll have the makings of a very successful leader…

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