Do you have a flair for music? It plays a popular role in the life of cadets and playing as part of your Wing band is highly rewarding - competition for places is usually strong. Our aims are to introduce you to music within the cadets, provide you with musical instruction and the opportunity to play in our bands.
Getting involved in music is a great way of socialising and of promoting the ACO wherever you play to the public. If you show real talent you could take your playing to the next level in wing or regional bands or even the National Marching Band which is being formed over the next year. Ultimately, you could join the National Concert Band - where our best players perform at public events often at some very prestigious locations, including Buckingham Palace!
Here in Scotland and Northern Ireland Region you will also have the oppertunity of getting into the regional pipe band. Our pipe band is very active and host several music camps each years in addition to performing at large scale events. Some cadets from our squadron who played in the pipe band even managed to meet the Queen!
S&NI Region Pipe Band